We are a team of scientists studying how young children learn and understand language, and how this process may (or may not) be different in children who learn one language vs. two or more languages.

Somos un equipo de científicos que estudia cómo los niños pequeños aprenden y entienden el lenguaje, y cómo este proceso puede (o no) ser diferente en los niños que aprenden una lengua frente a dos o más lenguas.

Recent News!!

  • We're now recruiting monolingual and bilingual children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, 4-10 years old, for a pilot study!! Sign up here!

  • We're also recruiting 4-5-year old monolingual and bilingual children with typical development for another pilot study!! Sign up here!

  • Dr. G is accepting PhD students for 2023! Email ishgang@iu.edu if interested!